The Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail is closed from Mosier to Hood River, including the East and West Hatfield Trailheads, is closed in response to an active wildfire in the area.
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Waucoma Lake

08/10/2016 | Uncategorized


This hike is not for the faint of heart, but for those hikers up for a challenge! 16.5 miles to view 4 lakes and the trail is backpackable. The climb may be difficult but the beautiful views of the lakes and forest scenery of the Mt Hood area are well worth the hike. Starting at the Rainy Lake Trailhead by Cascade Locks this hike is sure to be rewarding!

The Waucoma Ridge is the watershed between the Gorge face creeks and the Hood River drainage. This hike takes you to four high Gorge lakes and the upper ends of trails not often traveled by the casual dayhiker. As a bonus, you will get views from Green Point Mountain, visit a World War II signal hut, and stand among impressive old growth. The hike can be made shorter by eliminating the Wahtum Lake portion (3.1 miles) and/or the loop up to Green Point Mountain (2.4 miles). This loop could also be accomplished from the Wahtum Lake Trailhead. You can see all five named lakes on the north side of Waucoma Ridge by adding the Bear Lake Hike from the Upper Mount Defiance Trailhead.

From the parking area at the campground, head up past the misspelled sign for the Rainey Lake Trail. Enter the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness and rise to the Sitka alder-lined shore of Rainy Lake, offering a view up to Green Point Mountain. The Rainy Lake Trail goes right here along the low earth dam that contains the lake. The alders conceal views as you negotiate a buckled bridge that spans the outlet creek. Head into a montane woodland with a bear-grass carpet, pass an alder-rimmed meadow on your right, and reach the North Lake-Rainy Lake Trail Junction.

Learn more about the Waucoma Lakes Loop Hike or get directions to the Trailhead.

Discover more attractions, events and activities you wont want to miss out on while visiting: The Hood River. Dont forget to visit The Hood River Chamber Of Commerce for more information about the regions attractions and lodging before your trip to Hood River.

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